
EachroundinthisversionoftheFibberactsmuchlikeaRubberizedGrenadeandwillbounceoffstationaryobjects.Thisversionisexceptionallyusefulfor ...,FibberisauniqueaftermarketpistolmanufacturedbyHyperion.InBorderlands2,itisobtainedfromthemissionARealBoy:HumanlocatedinEridiumBlight.Fibber·Fibber/VariantChart·ARealBoy:Human,評分89%(59)·It1-2shotsalmosteverythingIhavehititwith.TakesdownBuzzardsin1-2hitsaslon...

Borderlands 2

Each round in this version of the Fibber acts much like a Rubberized Grenade and will bounce off stationary objects. This version is exceptionally useful for ...

Fibber | Borderlands Wiki

Fibber is a unique aftermarket pistol manufactured by Hyperion. In Borderlands 2, it is obtained from the mission A Real Boy: Human located in Eridium Blight. Fibber · Fibber/Variant Chart · A Real Boy: Human

So...the Fibber... - Borderlands 2 - GameFAQs

評分 89% (59) · It 1-2 shots almost everything I have hit it with. Takes down Buzzards in 1-2 hits as long as more than 1 bullet hits it.

Would I lie to you? :

It is the weapon that is made for Anarchy Gaige. It can spawn with 3 different barrel types, but only one of them is useful.


The Fibber is a reward for the final stage of the “A Real Boy” side quest series in Eridium Blight. After getting to the point of turning in this quest for the ...

Fibber • BL2 – Rare Pistol

The Fibber has 3 Variants which drastically alter the weapons behavior and stats. Hyperion Sustained fire improves accuracy and recoil.

BL2 Fibber Guide : rBorderlands

Here's how you can tell them apart: Shotgun Fibber: Has a x1 projectile multiplier, Crit Fibber: Has the lowest damage out of all the variants (+700% crit ...

how to use the fibber? : rBorderlands2

Shoot the ground in front of the enemy so it bounces off and hits their crit spot. Can always shoot walls/ceilings and have them bounce off, you ...

A quick guide to the Fibber pistol

... fibber. If you learned something from this be sure leave a like and if ... Borderlands 2: Most Overpowered Build in Borderlands 2 as Gaige!

Fibber Farming Guide

Fibber Farming Guide. 165K views · 9 years ago ...more ... Gaige Leveling Guide - Level 1 to OP10 - Part 1: Normal Mode - Borderlands 2.